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Muraija for Interpreters

Anticipation to reduce the mental load

Muraija can help the intereter from Arabic as well as the interpreter into Arabic.

Interpreting into Arabic

Looking at the collocations range of relevant terms is likely to put them into short term memory, thus reducing the mental load when producing them.

Exercise for students of interpretations: Playing on the lenth to adjust the decalage. Transforming "verb + obj" to "MAKE + verbal noun + obj".


Interpreting from Arabic

Looking at the collocations range of relevent terms has two benefits:

  • Anticipation: Which ideas are likely to be expressed?

  • Prepraration: Can I intuitively express these ideas in my target language?


Preventing calques

This kind of preparation can help to reduce calques:

Looking at the entry "مَسؤُولِيَّة" and spending a couple of seconds realizing its two different meanings, that is حمّل مسؤولية vs: سلّم مسؤولية, is likely to prevent the interpretr from producing the calce "assign the responsability for the escalation" - she is likely to say "blame for the escalation".

Here, the translation should be "objective", or "goal", but not "desired goal" - unless the speaker is terribly slow. (In LAF, this kind of collocation is called clichee - where the collocate does not modify the meaning)

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حمّله مسؤوليةالتصعيد

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